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ShiLin Climb Bicycle race. “Challengethe Stone forest climb!” 2018第七届石林自行车爬坡赛 攀爬仙山石林 修心休闲港 November24-25 2018 2018年11月24-25日 The stone Forest climb is anexceptional one, new tarmac, Qiandao lake fresh air and great scenery. Experts 48 KM route will be usedexclusively for the race, with climbs to overcome to the finish. Fun ride 22 KM route to Stone forestpark will be closed also, no cars. The best riders will have a chance towin great price. Everybody will enjoy a relaxingweekend, with boating on Qiandao lake. Be it a fun ride or seriouscompetition, all amateur cyclists are invited to pit each against thisthrilling route! 2018年第七届石林自行车爬坡赛 将是一次令人期待的攀登:新的柏油路、新鲜的空气和美妙的风景。 48公里的路线将专门设置用于俱乐部骑手们进行比赛,通过攀登来克服完成。 22公里的石林公园路线将设置用于 骑行游客进行乐趣骑,线路也将封道,没有汽车。 优秀的骑手将有机会赢得丰厚的比赛奖金。 每个人都将享受一个轻松的周末,可以乘船游览千岛湖。 本次活动将是专业与休闲的结合,无论你是抱着参加一次有趣的骑行活动还是一场认真的比赛,所有的大众骑游爱好者也都被欢迎来参加这个激动人心的比赛。
Category and Prize EXPERTS | | | | | | | the 10 first arriving will receive 150RMB | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
奖金设置 专业赛 男子组: 优胜者:5000元;第二名:3000元 ;第3位:1000元 ;第4位:800元;第5位:600元 第6-10位:300元/位 女子组: 优胜者:3000元;第二名:1500元 ;第3位:1000元;第4位:800元;第5位:600元 第6-10位:300元/位 乐趣赛 男女混合: 前10位到达者将获得150元 How to join 如何报名
Click the link above, to proceed, wewill add you to the Wechat group of the participants after registration iscompleted
点击或扫描上面的二维码链接,填写完报名登记表并付费完成后,我们会将你添加到参与者的微信群组中。 Come to challenge yourself on the Stoneforest climb in SheLin. SheLin is the village in Qiandao lakecounty has been chosen as the sport Village of the county, and the host ofChina Olympic rowing team Itslocated 30 KM south from Qiandao lake city town 欢迎来到石林这座美丽的石上森林旅游小镇,来挑战自己。 石林镇是千岛湖重点打造的体育休闲旅游小镇,这里距离千岛湖镇30公里,一湖一湾秀水里承载着中国奥林匹克赛艇队水上基地。 Race details Expert race (48KM) Start: ShiLin village Route: ride in the direction of Jiende - UTurn at Nongfu spring water company – ShiLin Village - Stone forest climb Arrival: Stone forest park 比赛详情 专业比赛(48公里) 出发点:石林镇 路线:沿 建德 方向骑行——在 农夫山泉基地 折返——石林镇——向石林景区 爬坡攀登 终点:石林景区 Fun race (22KM) Start: ShiLin village Route: Stone forest climb Arrival: Stone forest park 乐趣赛(22公里) 出发点:石林镇 路线:向 石林景区骑行观光 终点:石林景区 Weekend program (detail program will be sent to the participants) SaturdayNovember 24th Arriving ShiLin in afternoon, Hotelcheck-in Bicycle fixing and rental if need. Buffet Dinner in HoYi Sports hotel; SundayNovember 25th Races departure Snacks and drinks at the arrival andceremony Lunch at HoYi sports hotel Boat to Qiandao lake refreshments and Desserts at Lakesidevilla Back to Shanghai. 周末行程(详细行程安排将发送给参赛者) 11月24日 星期六 下午抵达石林,酒店办理入住手续 如有需要,可提供自行车修理及租赁服务。 和邑体育酒店自助晚餐; 11月25日 星期日 酒店早餐后到达出发点 比赛分组、启动仪式、出发 和邑体育酒店用午餐 乘船游览千岛湖 在湖边别墅品尝甜点和茶歇 返回温馨的家 Registration and fees Race registrationonline Opened until November19th at 100RMBreserve your seat in advance, only few seats available!!! Late race registration on site 200RMB (fewseats only) Includes Race organization Dinner, lunch, drinks and snacks afterrace Boat from Se Lin to Qiandao lake (Bus from Qiandao hu to ShiLin isavailable) 登记和报名费 网上报名100RMB/人 ,于10月19日至11月19日开放,请抓紧时间报名余位有限! 现场登记报名200RMB/人; 费用包括 赛事组织 晚餐,午餐,途中补给,赛后饮料和点心,保险 石林到千岛湖的游船
千岛湖到石林的交通车 Accommodation HoYi sport hotel accommodates theparticipants in the village (walking distance from the start) at discountedprice for the event. Tel +86 4008265176 (Chinese) for your booking 和邑运动酒店为活动参加者提供优惠的价格(酒店位于活动出发点只是步行的距离)。预订电话+86 4008265176 Others 其它 Bus are organized from Shanghai andHangzhou at 50 RMB (to specify in the Registrationform) 上海、杭州组织大巴前往石林,费用50元/人 ( 在登记表中注明 ) Bicycle rental 80RMB 50RMB (to specify in the Registration form)
自行车租赁80元/辆,优惠价50元/辆 (在登记表中注明) Notice All participants must wear a rigidhelmet (with the chin strap fastened) throughout the race. Any participantwithout a helmet will be disqualified. People suffering from the following aredeemed unfit to take part in the race: congenital or rheumatic heart disease /hypertension or cerebrovascular disease / myocarditis or other cardiac diseases/ coronary artery disease or serious arrhythmia / diabetes / pregnant /anyother risk-prone diseases. All types of bicycles except electricbicycles or electrically assisted pedal cycles, fixed gear, recumbent bicycles,tricycles, bicycles equipped with any kind of extension (including but notlimited to triathlon bars) and sharing bikes are allowed. However, only riderswith road bikes are qualified as award candidates for Individual Classificationof The Expert Race while riders with other types of bikes will be only allowedto participate to the Fun race. 注意 在整个比赛过程中,参赛者必须戴上硬头盔(系好下巴安全带)。没有戴头盔的参赛者将被取消比赛资格。 患有下列疾病的人被认为不适合参加比赛:先天性或风湿性心脏病/高血压或脑血管病/心肌炎/冠心病或严重心律失常/糖尿病/怀孕/任何其它有风险的疾病。 除电动自行车或电动助力脚踏车外,包括固定轮、横卧自行车、三轮车、装有各种加长装置的自行车(包括但不限于铁人三项酒吧)和公用自行车;然而,只有公路自行车的车手才有资格获得个人专业比赛奖励的资格,而其他类型的自行车的车手则只有在乐趣赛中被计时和列出。 More information will be provided forthe participants. 稍后会有更多的信息。